I recently came onboard at Women’s Outdoor News, and one of my first clients was Vera Koo. To better understand, and therefore better connect and work for her, I decided to read her memoir, The Most Unlikely Champion.
I was already familiar with Koo’s reputation in the industry. I knew her as a champion shooter, with an incredible library of accomplishments in the sport. I also understood her as a kind and approachable woman, from meeting her in person at a recent trade show. When given the opportunity to scratch the surface beyond what I knew, I jumped. Wouldn’t it be great if all new clients had published their own memoirs?
What I found out about Vera, behind all the accomplishments, is astonishing. I found that I related to and had similar life experiences as her. I found she has an incredible depth and breadth to her life story, that I would have never imagined when shaking the hand of this intelligent, petite woman.

Vera Koo: Getting to Know the Memoir
The Most Unlikely Champion delves into the life and times of Vera Koo – it is a memoir, after all. It starts with her humble beginnings in China, details her immigration to the US at the age of 12. The stage is set, and the rest unfolds as the book progresses, explaining the struggle between being raised in a traditional Chinese household, and living as an American adult female.
The timeline shifts between past and present, which kept me turning the pages. I always enjoy when a book gives a taste of information, and then jumps to another portion of the puzzle. This is an engaging way to cover ground. She details her accomplishments and struggles in male-dominated shooting sports. This information I anticipated, and thought Vera presented her journey clearly and efficiently.
Continue reading this review at Women’s Outdoor News here.