Review by: ZoeyTew2, Published July 5, 2020

The book The Most Unlikely Champion is an uplifting and inspiring book. In short, Vera Koo is writing about her experience as a shooter. She started because of her curiosity about gun safety and decided to take a few classes to learn more about it. After several years of practicing with guns, she would end up winning the women’s division of the Bianchi Championships and would do so again on several occasions. This is an incredible feat considering her age and stature. She is not what most people expected to see out shooting a gun. Several people would even make jokes about her. While this in and out of itself would be an obstacle for anyone, the challenges don’t stop there.

Throughout the story, Vera Koo goes through several life-altering tragedies. Many others would have collapsed under the pressure. While not giving away what happens. Her devotion to her practice and God is what gets her through those difficult times. She is also persistent and determined.

The messages of the book are equally as important as the content. There is a special take away for anyone who is going through a difficult time. Sometimes we may feel like hiding problems, but that will never solve anything. We need to deal with the problem head-on. If we are persistent, we will be able to get through our problems. Another takeaway from the book is that there is nothing stopping someone from trying to reach their goals. Vera Koo was in her forties when she started competing. She points out that she was often shooting against people who were several years younger than her. Despite that, she continues to go to competitions and continues to practice.

The book is well written and well organized. Vera Koo is able to describe shooting scenarios with clarity. She also describes and defines different phrases that would have confused those who don’t shoot. Even though I have never practiced shooting, I feel like I was able to keep up with that particular storyline pretty well.

I would give this book a 4/4 because of the writing, editing, and overall message of the book. All come together to create an excellent book that inspires the reader. I also found the story to be very gripping and engaging. Form the moment I picked it up, I was not able to put it down. I wanted to find out what would happen next.

Original review can be found here.


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