Available now on her YouTube channel, Vera Koo launches the audiobook trailer for her memoir “The Most Unlikely Champion.” Her story, told in the enchanting voice of Frances Jue, is one you will want to listen to time and time again.

Arriving from China to the United States at the age of 12, speaking not a single word of English, what were the odds I would live a book-worthy life? Unlikely. What would I be good at in this new land of opportunity? What hardships would I have to overcome? I could never have dreamed how my life would unfold.

Some say: “Anything is possible.” So often I was an outsider – a woman in a man’s sport. Even a foreigner in the eyes of some. Yet, I still became, what you might call the most unlikely champion. It’s my true life’s story, and I’ve written it just for you.

The Most Unlikely Champion Audiobook Trailer

Below is a synopsis of Vera’s memoir, “The Most Unlikely Champion.” For a limited time, the audiobook companion is available to listen to for free. Sign up for this free access at her website’s homepage.

Vera Koo enrolled in a firearm safety course because she was afraid of guns. Goals are important to Vera, so she set hers high, completing the beginner’s course, and eventually becoming the best shooter in her advanced class. Her instructor suggested she reach for an even higher goal with competitive shooting. And she did. With unflinching focus and determination, Vera became one of the most accomplished shooters ever. At age 70, she’s an eight-time women’s division winner of the prestigious Bianchi Cup Action Pistol Championship. She’s the first woman to place in the Top 20 in the Bianchi Cup competition.

Vera’s story is more than that of a petite Asian woman becoming a top competitor in the male-dominated sport shooting world. It’s the story of a Chinese immigrant, raised in a traditional Chinese culture, where women deferred to their husbands and kept to their socio-economic class, succeeded in America. Vera is a successful businesswoman, accomplished athlete, and a loving wife and mother. It was never an ‘either or’ for Vera, it’s about meeting life’s challenges head-on with dogged persistence, grace, humility—and humor.

Click here to purchase a copy of “The Most Unlikely Champion” at Amazon.


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