In this blog post, originally published by Women’s Outdoor News, Vera Koo recounts a recent summer family trip to Lake Mead. Her daughter and husband planned this houseboat-getaway. Continue reading to hear more about this lovely family vacation where physical distance was eclipsed by time spent together on the water. ~ The Editors
When my youngest daughter and my husband get behind an idea, amazing progress occurs. Our family’s houseboat outing in August on Lake Mead became a byproduct of their dedication.
My husband’s passion for our family and for new adventures resulted in our children being raised in the outdoors. We camped and windsurfed, snow-skied and water-skied, to name just a few of our adventures.
When our children were growing up, we’d go out on rented houseboats in the summers. We also owned a ski boat that we used for boat camping on Lake Shasta in California. We would find a cove to anchor in and venture onto land to barbecue. I can remember skiing in the evenings, when the water felt like silk. At night, we slept under the stars, and Carlos hung canopies to protect us from potential rain showers. I remember gazing into clear night skies unpolluted by city lights and admiring the stars. The beauty and serenity of those peaceful nights ranked among my favorite parts of being on the water.

But our kids grew up, and the ski boat we owned, along with a pontoon boat, had been in storage for more than 30 years – until our youngest daughter and Carlos became motivated to get those boats up to date and back on the water.
It all started after a summer 2021 outing on Lake Mead, when the family enjoyed a day on the water on a rented pontoon. I could not attend because I was away on a shoot, but Carlos told me about the fun our children and grandchildren had, enjoying rented jet skis and going tubing.
Afterward, our youngest daughter suggested we go houseboating this year. That’s all the motivation Carlos needed to spring into action.

The houseboat would need to be rented, but Carlos wanted to bring our ski boat with us. Of course, after more than three decades in storage, the boat required work, but Carlos does not let any hurdle stand in the way of his desire for adventure – especially when it involves a family outing.
The past year brought significant changes to our family, and more distance separates us.
Continue reading this post at Women’s Outdoor News.