Cookies are my vice. This is my confession to you.
Sugar and butter are the way to my heart – or my appetite, anyway. I especially enjoy cookies that have texture to them. Almond cookies. Chocolate chip with walnuts. Coconut cookies. If the cookies are crispy, I’m hooked.
And don’t get me started on Walker’s buttered shortbread cookies. During my pistol-shooting career, I could do damage on a 3-pound can of Walker’s. The delicious smell of butter hits me as soon as I open the can, even with the cellophane still sealed. Talk about a mouth-watering experience.

Like mother, like daughter.
My mom had a sweet tooth. She enjoyed cooking, and she was excellent at it – much better than me. My cooking relies on presentation. I know how to make food look good. Consider that the byproduct of me majoring in art in college. My mom didn’t rely strictly on presentation. She knew how to make food taste good, too.
One Chinese dessert, in particular, ranked among her specialties. It was a red bean dessert. She cooked the beans until they became a soft porridge and added a lot of sugar. I used to love eating that dessert.
Now, I love eating cookies.
Saying I have a vice might sound like I am engaging in something harmful or undesirable, but not all vices are created equal. Some vices are major. Some are more minor. Some can be managed.
I know sugar in the diet is frowned upon. Science tells us that too much sugar can make us experience mood swings, a lack of energy, restlessness, difficulty sleeping and a craving for even more sweets. Fortunately, I do not experience many of these side effects, although I do get sugar cravings.
Throughout my Bianchi Cup career, my cookie love helped me maintain a healthy weight. I needed to incorporate a high-calorie diet while I was in the heart of my training so that I could keep up my strength. Throughout training, I’d eat a couple of Egg McMuffins each day. For lunch, I might have chicken salad and fruit. For dinner, bring on the 14-ounce steak, broccoli and bread. Tate cookies would be my special, crispy treat. During a week of training, I might eat almost 30 of Tate’s coconut or chocolate chip cookies. They served as extra fuel to help me top off the tank.
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