《智慧与事物》(Wisdom and Things,暂译)是一本散文集,它记录了顾方蓁职业射击生涯最后十年的经历与感触;从十二岁一句英语也不会说的移民来到美国生活,终至行动手枪射击世界的巅峰,方蓁成功背后的动力与雄心壮志,帮助她安然度过失败和挫折的坚强毅力和决心,书中均曾缕述。这本散文选集鲜活描绘出一位勇者的画像,无论挑战多么困难始终不轻言放弃。
For readers familiar with Vera’s first book, “The Most Unlikely these articles will deepen your understanding of the quiet, behind-the-scenes moments of Vera’s life — the motivations that inspired her, the setbacks that nearly broke her. For those who don’t know Vera’s story, the writing here will provide snapshots of inspiration and advice — how to learn new skills no matter your age; how to handle slights with humility; and how setting small goals can help you achieve big things.
These pieces show that despite thriving in multiple worlds, Vera has always remained true to her values: faith, discipline and kindness. They’re values she learned from her parents and her husband, Carlos, and that she’s instilled in her three children. It’s Vera’s hope that readers, new and old alike, will walk away from this collection with the same lessons — that even the worst tragedies don’t have to break a person, and that through hard work and belief, anyone can achieve their dreams.
《巾帼枪神散文集:顾方蓁的人生智能与事务》由艾米.史雯(Amy Swan)设计、米奇.福勒(Mickey Fowler)作序、贾斯汀.帕尔(Justin Pahl)介绍。平装书面8.5" x 8.5",全书共一百五十六页、文章超过四十篇,分为四大类。书页中全彩照片超过一百三十张,其中一百三十张为散文附图、三张为封面照片、四张为作者照。本书在二0二一年四月一日出版。
顾方蓁是比安奇杯(亦称全国行动手枪锦标赛)八度全国女子组冠军与两项世界冠军。二0一八年,她以七十一岁之龄从射击比赛世界退役。顾方蓁生于中国、长于香港,十二岁移民美国,为亚裔美国人。她与夫婿顾家一现居住在美国加州,夫妻经营成功的房地产事业,育有三名子女与六名孙儿。《智慧与事务》是继她回忆录之后出版的第二本书。读者可以前往顾方蓁个人网站VeraKoo.com 了解更多信息,并在她参与的社群媒体平台上关注。顾方蓁每月亦定期为《女性户外运动新闻》撰写专栏。 共同作者布雷克.汤普梅(Blake Toppmeyer)是一位身拥全国新闻报导奖项的体育新闻记者。他于二0一四年采访在比安奇杯时认识顾方蓁,为《诺克斯维尔新闻哨兵报》(Knoxville News Sentinel)田纳西州沃尔斯美式足球队(Tennessee Vols football)独家撰述深度报导,目前与妻子布蕾娜(Brenna)居田纳西州。本书也是他执笔的第一本书。 .. Visit to learn more and follow Vera on her social media platforms. Vera also contributes a monthly column at 《女性户外运动新闻》.