In this featured post from Shooting Sports USA, John Parker reviews Vera Koo’s memoir “The Most Unlikely Champion.”
Vera Koo’s ‘The Most Unlikely Champion’ Available as Audiobook
Vera Koo is offering the audiobook of her memoir, “The Most Unlikely Champion,” for her listeners who prefer to remain hands-free.
Vera Koo, champion professional shooter, has faced physical challenges throughout her course of competitive years. Michelle Cerino delves into Vera’s past columns regarding how she healed from injuries and kept herself healthy.
This featured post, written by Barbara Baird and published by NRA Shooting Sports USA, asks Vera Koo her must-have items in her range bag.
《女性户外运动新闻》总编辑米雪.瑟琳诺(Michelle Cerino)从顾方蓁过去在该在線杂志刊出的数篇专栏文章中梳理竞赛的诀窍;顾方蓁身拥八届比安奇杯冠军荣衔,她对比赛提出致胜建言当之无愧,自有其说服力。
Vera Koo’s ‘The Most Unlikely Champion’ Free as Audiobook
To show her appreciation for her readers, Vera Koo’s brand-new audiobook version of her memoir, “The Most Unlikely Champion,” is available to listen to for free until February 29, 2024.
GunFreedomRadio:35集 《好、坏与丑》
In this episode of the podcast GunFreedomRadio, Vera Koo is interviewed about how she get started in shooting sports.
Article written by Olivia Wolfe for AsAmNews. At 71 years of age, Vera Koo remains one of the fiercest competitors in action pistol shooting. A two time world champion and an eight time national champion of the Bianchi Cup, Koo is currently training in Missouri for...