In the book 《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》, Vera Koo tells the story of her life- the troubles she has faced in her relations and the sport shooting world, and the traits in her personality that have allowed her to overcome these troubles. Vera Koo decided to get enrolled in a firearm safety course to defeat her fear of guns. She went on to become a renowned name in sport shooting.
The story of Vera is that of a Chinese-American woman, who created a name for herself in a world that is otherwise dominated by men. Through her achievements, she has proved that a small and dainty looking woman can amass enough strength to get through the most difficult challenges of life. Having won the Bianchi Cup Women’s Championship a record eight times along with several other competitions, Vera Koo is a person whose story can inspire women athletes all over the world.
I have always felt immensely motivated by stories of sportspersons. In sports, you have to struggle hard to set a standard and even harder to maintain that standard. Sportspersons have to prove their worth every single time they are on the field. They have to deal with criticism every time they fail, even if it is a rare failure. Women empowerment is gaining acceptance now. I am sure it wasn’t very popular in the 1990s. Vera Koo dared to dream. Her story inspires us to dream and to believe in ourselves.
Vera has succeeded in telling her story in a very fluent and persuasive manner. She has narrated all the significant incidents of her life honestly. What I like the most about the book is that it captures all the emotions of love, doubt, heartbreak, happiness, and excitement, thus making it more relatable. I give it ,因为小说中的某些部分读起来不太刺激。. There were just a couple of errors I could find in the book.
I think there are many people even in today’s world who are daunted by a feeling of inferiority complex. Vera’s story is an example of how we should deal with such disturbances. She learned to make the best out of what she had. She learned to have faith in herself and God. There is one line in the book which I cannot help but mention- ‘If you master a skill, the passion will come later.’
There are so many diverse aspects of Vera’s life that have been highlighted in the book that I’m sure most of the readers will be able to connect with her story. I recommend 《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》 to all those who are looking for some inspiration to help them set sail.
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Online Book Club Review by Rachel_Green, Published Mar 19, 2020.