顾方蓁是第一代华裔美国人。她身兼母亲、作家、企业家数种角色,也是退休射击比赛选手。她定居美国西岸,但经常旅行,也喜爱美食、钟情艺术。她的第一本书兼自传《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》记录她的人生故事,叙事冷静清晰,内省无限。 《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》
《方蓁网志》是顾方蓁多年笔耕不辍的创作心血,文章均曾于《女性 (Women’s Outdoor News)
Vera Koo Writes About Inspiration
Vera Koo has seen many trials, and luckily for us, blogs about those experiences. Read excerpts from a few of these “Inspiration” posts.
Vera Koo writes, “Although I cannot expect to be on top of my game at this point in my sporting clay shooting journey, it feels good to be striving toward improvement. I don’t feel stale. I feel invigorated. At 75-years old, I have a reason to exercise. I have a carrot to chase, a challenge to drive me and help keep me focused.”
Vera Koo Writes About Travel
Vera Koo loves to travel. In this post, we’ve rounded up a few of her blogs about some of her favorite adventures.