In this review of Vera Koo’s first book 《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》, written by Atsieno Lorine and 发表于在线读书俱乐部。, the reader notes that Vera finds success in a male-dominated field. Atsieno believes this book can serve as inspiration for any person going through a lot in life, who has the desire to conquer. Keep reading to find out why …

This book is an autobiography of Vera Koo, the author. It is a lovely memoir describing Vera’s life from shooting, family and entrepreneur. 《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》 describes Vera’s adventures in sport shooting that she started as a part time hobby and later takes it as a sport. In one of the training sessions Vera injures her leg while alone in the shooting range in Columbia. She manages to crawl to her car which had been packed a distance and calls an ambulance. She is admitted in the hospital and even after discharge she still has a long recovery journey.

Vera Koo narrates her journey to winning the Bianchi championship in sport shooting which is a male dominated sport. Coming from a society where women are expected to be submissive and should only tend to their families, it is not easy. She has to try several times before winning the championship. She encounters many hardships from losing loved ones like her son Bryan and her brother, her husband having an affair and their real estate business failing. Despite all this, Vera is able to pick herself up and conquer against all odds. Shooting according to Vera was a hobby that helped her take her mind off things that stressed her but as time goes on she finds herself wanting to compete in sport shooting.

Success in a Male-Dominated Field

Patience and resilience are key things to success and Vera portrayed these two well. From not giving up when she loses the championship to enduring her recovery journey. Family has also been shown as an important aspect in this book. Vera ‘s parents, were very supportive of her in every step of the way. Her dad even though not her biological dad, raised her as his own child. Vera also has friends like Jim O Young who help her in sport shooting by practicing with her and helping her buy guns for shooting.

《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》 is a book that will make a reader want to turn to the next page not putting the book down. The use of pictorials makes the book interesting. The language is simple and understandable. All topics have been well integrated and therefore one enjoys reading the book. As a reader one will learn importance of friendship, family, vitues of patience and hardwork. Vera was a hardworking lady who did not give up despite the storms including breaking her leg in the range which is a virtue you learn from the book.

I absolutely did not find any grammatical errors in this book as it was professionally edited. There was no instance of profanity or erotic language. There was no use of heavy words that need to be checked in the dictionary.

I rate this book a perfect 4 out of 4 stars. The writing and editing is professional and there were no errors.The story flows and is very engaging to the mind. As the reader finishes a chapter, you want to read the next one and find out what happened.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves reading autobiographies or any woman who feel they cannot do great in a field dominated by men. Anyone who is also going through a lot and wants to conquer can read this book and work to better themselves.


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