顧方蓁是第一代華裔美國人。她身兼母親、作家、企業家數種角色,也是退休射擊比賽選手。她定居美國西岸,但經常旅行,也喜愛美食、鍾情藝術。她的第一本書兼自傳《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》記錄她的人生故事,敘事冷靜清晰,內省無限。 《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》
《方蓁部落格》是顧方蓁多年筆耕不輟的創作心血,文章均曾於《女性戶外運動新聞》 (Women’s Outdoor News)
Vera Koo: 寬恕的力量
Vera Koo reflects on the power of forgiveness, and how 30 years ago, she took this course in her life. Find out why she believes it was the right thing to do.
佛朗明哥如幻如夢 臨場感悟有所不同
Vera Koo takes us on a journey to Spain, where she traveled extensively throughout the country and saw two performances by Flamenco dancers.
Vera Koo visits the Chelsea Garden Show in London. Along with learning more about this historical event, we also find out more about Vera’s philosophy of aging and traveling.