


顧方蓁是第一代華裔美國人。她身兼母親、作家、企業家數種角色,也是退休射擊比賽選手。她定居美國西岸,但經常旅行,也喜愛美食、鍾情藝術。她的第一本書兼自傳《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》記錄她的人生故事,敘事冷靜清晰,內省無限。 .

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Vera’s family immigrated to San Francisco when she was 12 years old. She and her husband, Carlos, have a successful business and are the proud parents of three children, and grandparents to six grandchildren.

除了將一生事蹟集結成回憶錄《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》外,她也在《女性戶外新聞》中闢有專欄。方蓁網誌包羅廣泛,從射擊、旅遊到信仰無所不含。歷往曾在網址刊出之文章,將是她即將出版之第二部著作主要內容。 《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》既鼓舞又激勵人心。 she writes her column, 顧方蓁, at Women’s Outdoor News. This blog features content in a wide variety of categories, covering everything from shooting, to travel, and Vera’s faith in God. Vera’s current endeavor is creating her second book, a compilation of these blog posts.


Vera Koo: Continue Watching

(原文出處為線上讀書俱樂部 to browse a curated collection of videos featuring Vera Koo, author and retired champion shooter. Follow this link to watch Vera’s other videos, on her YouTube channel.


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