本視頻列舉顧方蓁1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 與 2008年在密蘇里州哥倫比亞市所舉行之美國步槍協會《全國行動手槍錦標賽》(即《比安奇盃》)女子組金牌得獎紀錄。 (原文出處為線上讀書俱樂部 to see Vera’s comprehensive list of awards and accolades.

Vera Koo is an active, Chinese American woman who enjoys a challenge. Skiing, windsurfing, horseback riding and, eventually, target shooting, are some of the activities that keep her busy. Her focus and mindset have helped her to learn new skills. Surprisingly, this BIanchi Cup Champion’s drive is not to earn accolades or to win an activity, but always to know that she’s achieved her personal best.

Vera Koo: Action Pistol Champion at the Highest Level

“Whether in competition, or in daily life, I am not fighting to win. I’m not fighting to beat somebody, I am fighting to do a good job, that is all. It’s a personal battle, here. To achieve something at the highest level, you have to be very disciplined and very determined. You have to have emotional and physical stamina.” – Vera Koo

Prior to retiring from sport shooting just 6 months before turning 72, Vera competed in the regular Women’s category, as well as the Senior/Super Senior category, in which she competed against only male shooters. As one of the elite female athletes in the growing sport, Vera always enjoyed mentoring young shooters.

Top Woman Action Pistol Champion: Words of Wisdom

“Set a goal, work for it, and have a reason to look forward to your day.” – Vera Koo

Koo has published a memoir, titled ., in which she details her rise to the top in the male-dominated world of professional pistol shooting.

( (原文出處為線上讀書俱樂部 to watch Vera’s other videos, on her YouTube channel.


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