本视频为顾方蓁射击职涯的视频集锦,由Jenn Kassar 制作。在历时五分钟的短片里,收视者可以看见顾方蓁女士在靶场的各种灵活射击身手。

Moments with Vera Koo 2 by Jenn Kassar


顾方蓁是第一代华裔美国人。她身兼母亲、作家、企业家数种角色,也是退休射击比赛选手。她定居美国西岸,但经常旅行,也喜爱美食、钟情艺术。她的第一本书兼自传《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》记录她的人生故事,叙事冷静清晰,内省无限。 .

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Vera’s family immigrated to San Francisco when she was 12 years old. She and her husband, Carlos, have a successful business and are the proud parents of three children, and grandparents to six grandchildren.

除了将一生事蹟集结成回忆录《巾帼枪神 世界冠军之路》外,她也在《女性户外新闻》中闢有专栏。方蓁网志包罗广泛,从射击、旅游到信仰无所不含。历往曾在网址刊出之文章,将是她即将出版之第二部着作主要内容。 顾方蓁的回忆录《巾帼枪神  she writes her column, 顾方蓁, at Women’s Outdoor News. This blog features content in a wide variety of categories, covering everything from shooting, to travel, and Vera’s faith in God. Vera’s current endeavor is creating her second book, a compilation of these blog posts.


Other Moments

Follow this link to watch other videos that feature champion shooter, Vera Koo. Click (原文出处为线上读书俱乐部  to see the whole video lineup at Vera’s YouTube channel.


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