This post, written by Chris Cheng and published by The Firearm Blog, features an interview with Tiffany Piper. When asked which shooters she looks up to, Tiffany names one person: Vera Koo. Keep reading to find out more.

Tiffany Piper is an accomplished junior NRA action pistol shooter, hailing from New Zealand as a four-time National Champion. Piper is sponsored by Leupold & Stevens, Inc. and travels the world shooting competitively. When Piper isn’t shooting, she’s horse riding, motorcross bike riding, and studying criminology at the Auckland University of Technology. She has recently broken two New Zealand records in the same day.

Hi Tiffany, so you’re an accomplished 19 year old shooter from New Zealand, good stuff. And you’re also sponsored by Leupold, as am I. We have good taste! If I had a bottle of champagne, I’d crack it open to celebrate.

Except I’m not old enough in America!

Oh right, sorry about that. Well then, tell me a little bit about gun culture in New Zealand, how easy or hard is it for civilians to own firearms?

NZ is very strict on gun laws, guns aren’t advertised or talked about much on TV, it’s sort of hush hush. But there’s a big hunting community and so guns are more common in that part of our culture.

In Auckland, the most populous city in New Zealand, there are strict times for shooting, I can only shoot three times per week at my home range (Auckland Pistol Club). Since I’m right in the city where we only have outdoor ranges, there’s a noise control issue. I can shoot Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, but Wednesday I’m at work and university. I shoot on Sundays, but due to gun club scheduling conflicts, there’s only a four hour window for me to practice. So I basically only practice on Sunday. If I have conflicts, then sometimes I’ll shoot on Saturdays. Saturdays are normally allocated to my horse.

Hours may vary depending on the season, hours may lengthen or shorten. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, and your neighbors are OK with guns then you can shoot 24/7 whenever you like.


Who are the shooters you look up to, and why?

Vera Koo, she’s the one who got me into Bianchi Cup. She’s 67 and broke her leg after tripping over a high rope, and she dragged herself on the ground to get to her car to get her phone and call for help. She’s really strong willed, has been shooting for years, and is still going strong. She’s incredible, I want to be just like her.

Read the full interview at The Firearm Blog.


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