《方蓁部落格》是顧方蓁多年筆耕不輟的創作心血,文章均曾於《女性戶外運動新聞》 英文縮寫為 WON 的女性戶外運動新聞雜誌,並收錄在她的第二本著作《巾幗槍神 意念表現之源》中。 .
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, Published June 28, 2016 I have been blessed throughout my shooting career to learn from some great teachers and mentors, men such as Jim O’Young. I never had a female instructor. For me, this was OK. I wanted to advance my knowledge...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, Published July 26, 2018 I hear many people talk about what they want to do “some day.” Too often, though, “some day” never arrives until the window of opportunity has closed and they can no longer do what they always said they wanted...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, Published June 17, 2019 More than 20 years ago, my husband, Carlos, and I attended a self-improvement seminar. Probably 100 people were there, and we were all asked to stand up and say what we were afraid of. In an interesting twist,...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, February 21, 2019 In the Chinese culture, we believe in a concept called Yuanfen, which is when fate brings two people together. If you have Yuanfen with another person, you will feel comfortable with that person. You can talk with...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, February 11, 2019 When I enrolled at San Francisco State after graduating high school, I do not think I realized just how valuable the next 4 years of my life would be. I attended college because my friends were going to college. It...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, January 8, 2019 What do you want your life to be about? What are your goals? What would make you happy? Have you ever thought about those questions? You should. Because you can make your dreams become reality. We can all be so much...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, November 7, 2018 I am a college student again. Yes, at 71 years old, I returned to school. I enrolled this semester for a class called “Introduction to Digital Imaging” at Cañada College in Redwood City, California. It meets twice a...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, February 7, 2018 I remember attending a political fundraiser about 13 years ago and noticing how few Asian-American women were seated in the room. Asian-Americans make up a strong percentage of the population in the California Bay...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, January 17, 2018 Squaw Valley Ski Resort holds a special place in the hearts of my daughters, Christina and Shane. They spent winter days skiing there growing up, and it remains a popular gathering spot for my family. This fall,...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, May 3, 2017 This is Vera Koo’s fourth column in a 6-part series that is inspired by the writings in her memoir, which will be published later this year. Vera is known throughout the shooting industry as a gracious woman who exudes...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, February 2, 2017 "Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?” ~Sun Tzu Great athletes are perfectionists. We have a strong work ethic, and the tenacious ability to bite into something and never let go. We stay with it....
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, November 29, 2015 Vera Koo describes her journey to becoming one of the world’s finest shooters and how she overcame cultural obstacles and why you must shine through, too. My husband, Carlos, likes to tell a rendition of an old...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, August 4, 2015 Before I met my husband, Carlos, I had no background in sports. I did not even take physical education classes in school. Carlos and I met before I turned 18 years old, and we married in 1969. One of my marriage...
By Vera Koo, Women's Outdoor News, July 2, 2015 Learn why Vera Koo accepts and moves forward through accident and injury, again and again, and about how she looks for, and accepts, God’s plan in the process. The manner in which I tore the anterior cruciate ligament...