書評 顧方蓁回憶錄 技射擊人生。在她的第一本書 及方蓁第二本書 《巾幗槍神 意念表現之源》精選書評。 如非註明為特邀撰寫,納入本欄之書評均為讀者自行提供。
Review: Her Successes Are a Blessing from God
ReaderAisha2020 reviews Vera Koo’s memoir “The Most Unlikely Champion” and notes that Vera’s successes are a blessing from God.
《巾幗槍神 意念表現之源》視頻書評 書評人:南西.基頓
In this video review Nancy Keaton answers a few questions about Vera Koo’s second book ‘Wisdom and Things.’
Review: Beautiful Outlook on Life
在針對顧方蓁回憶錄《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》的書評中,達莉亞.巴拉克 (Dalia Barack)說,這本書激發出她對人生的美好觀感。書評最早發表在線上 讀書俱樂部發表。
書評:我所讀過最佳書籍之一 評者:娜塔莉.齊內巴
In this review of Vera Koo’s book “The Most Unlikely Champion,” Natalie Qhineba reports that this is one of the best books she has ever read!
In this review of Vera Koo’s memoir “The Most Unlikely Champion,” Molz_20 notes that his favorite passage says “my solitude is my strength.”
書目:《巾幗槍神 意念表現之源》書評人:雪柔.陶德
In this video interview, Cheryl Todd of “Gun Freedom Radio” reviews Vera Koo’s second book ‘Wisdom and Things.’
Joshua Gunawan reviews Vera Koo’s book “The Most Unlikely Champion” and notes that her writings will be inspiring generations to come.
《巾幗槍神 意念表現之源》 視頻書評 作者:Barbara Baird
In this video interview, Barbara Baird tells us why reading Vera Koo’s book ‘Wisdom and Things’ is a great way to get inspired in 2023.
This review of Vera Koo’s memoir “The Most Unlikely Champion,” by Addicted Reader, says that she encourages readers to continue pressing on.