
書評:《巾幗槍神  世界冠軍之路》

書評:《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》

This review, written by Michelle Cerino, was originally published by Shooting News Weekly. Find out why Michelle thinks that reading Vera Koo’s book, “The Most Unlikely Champion,” will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Vera Koo: Maintaining a Strong Mind

Vera Koo: Maintaining a Strong Mind

Vera Koo explains why maintaining a strong mind and continually setting goals are important parts of her life. In this round-up of several of her posts at The WON, we may receive inspiration to do the same for ourselves.



Vera Koo, champion professional shooter, has faced physical challenges throughout her course of competitive years. Michelle Cerino delves into Vera’s past columns regarding how she healed from injuries and kept herself healthy.

Vera Koo’s Competition Tips Roundup


《女性戶外運動新聞》總編輯米雪.瑟琳諾(Michelle Cerino)從顧方蓁過去在該雜誌刊出的數篇專欄文章中梳理競賽的訣竅;顧方蓁身擁八屆比安奇盃冠軍榮銜,她對比賽提出致勝建言當之無愧,自有其說服力。


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