

Vera Koo Book Signing Aim Point Booth
Book Review: The Most Unlikely Champion by Vera Koo

Book Review: The Most Unlikely Champion by Vera Koo

This review, written by Michelle Cerino, was originally published by Shooting News Weekly. Find out why Michelle thinks that reading Vera Koo’s book, “The Most Unlikely Champion,” will keep you on the edge of your seat.

顧方蓁的《巾幗槍神 意念表現之泉》在中國發行!

顧方蓁的《巾幗槍神 意念表現之泉》在中國發行!

Vera Koo’s second book, “Wisdom and Things,” is now available for sale in China and online. Vera’s follow-up to “The Most Unlikely Champion,” is a collection of essays from the closing era of her pistol shooting career. Readers can follow the amazing journey of Vera...

Vera Koo: Maintaining a Strong Mind

Vera Koo: Maintaining a Strong Mind

Vera Koo explains why maintaining a strong mind and continually setting goals are important parts of her life. In this round-up of several of her posts at The WON, we may receive inspiration to do the same for ourselves.


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